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improve your posture quickly by performing the simple exercises


In  this  era default  or poor  posture  is most common  cause  of  various  types of body  pain .many peoples now  a days suffering  from  neck  pain  ,back pain or radiating  upper limb or lower  limb pain which is due to poor  posture. 

There are various  causes which alters  our normal  spinal alignment  and gives us poor posture.Due to  Long term poor  posture  our body continuesly  goes  in evaluation due to Which some muscles  of our  body  get elongated  and  becomes  weak and as we no weaker structures  creates  pain  ,So we have  to  suffer  from  pain . On other hand  some structures  of our body  get shortened  which also produce  pain and difficulties. 

The causes  of poor  posture  varies  from  individual  to  individual. It  may be due  to  sedentary  Lifestyle, long  term  sitting  work ,In students  due  to  long term  sitting, In elders  due to sedentary  Lifestyle  or  other  degenerative  changes. Other causes of poor  posture  may be nutrition  deficiency like calcium  and  vitamin -D deficiency etc.

Here I am describing  some  important and  vary simply  exercises  which help you to improve  your posture  and relief  pain:-
Important  tips:-
-You should  focus  on  your diet  also .you should  intake atleast  8 to 10 glass of water per day it will hydrate your body and will also nurishes  your spinal  column .So increase  your water intake  habit. 

Some  times  spinal  alignment  also  disturbs due to vitamin  -D and calcium  deficiency  so you should  try  to  sit in early  morning  sun exposure atleast  for 15 to 30 minutes. 

-Diet which include  calcium  will also help you for  postural  correction  .so you should try  to  intake  milk ,Egg etc.

-It is most beneficial  and simple  exercises  .
-It is  performed  to  improve  spinal  mobility  and also for  postural  correction  as well  as  neck and back pain  relief. 
-It is very  easy  to  perform  the benefcial  exercise .
-For this you just have to lie in prone  lying  position and have to  make  tabletop  or quadrepud  position. 
-Now  for camel or cow pose :-
     -You just have  to take  a deep breath  or Inhale  and  drop  your  belly  towards  mat  . And  lift  your  chin  and  chest  and  try  to  see the  ceiling. 
Now  for  cat pose:-
        -You just  have  to  Exhale  and drow  your  belly  to  spine  and  round  your  back  towards  the  ceiling and drow  your  head  towards  floor  and  try  to  see  your  knees. 
-Rest by siting  back on  your  heel. 

-Repeat  this  for  10 to 20 times  .
-Repeat  this  1 to 2 times  daily. 

-It is  second  most important  exercise  for  postural  correction  and muscular  strengthenin. 
-It is also  perform  for stretching  of neck muscles. 
-It is  also  benificial  In case  of  chet and back pain. 
-It also improves  breathing  capacity of an individual. 
-For  this  you  have  to  lie  on  stomach and keep  your  arms on side of body  and legs relaxed  on mat .
-Now  keep  your  palms  under  shoulder. 
-Now  lift your  chest  ,trunk and pelvic  by pushing  the  arm.
-Arch the  back until  until  the  arms are  straight and try to see forward is straight  upword. 
-Repeat  this  for  5 to 10 times  and 1 to 2 times  in a day.

-It is also  a most important  exercise  .it is  one  of  the  core stability  exercise.
-It strengthen the  back  muscles  and helps  in  improving  posture. 
-For  this  you  just  Lie  down  on  back. 
-Keep  your  both  knees  in full flexion  and  feet flat  on  ground. 
-Keep your  both  arms  on side  of  body. 
-Now  lift  your  pelvis  off  the  floor  toward ceiling .
-Hold the  position  for  10 to 20 seconds. 
-Come  back  to  rest and repeat  this  for  5 to 10 times. 
-Perform  this  for  2 to 3  times  in  a day.

-It is  most  important  and easy  exercises  .
-The  significance  of  this  exercise  is  ,it can be performed  in anywhere  and anytime. 
-It also improves chest mobility  so also important  with  dealing  with  breathing problems. 
-You can also perform  the exercise while sitting  on chair. 
-For this  you  you just  have  to  sit comfortably  on chair  with  back  supported. 
-Now  place  your  both  hands  beneath  your  occiput  or  head. 
-Now  Inhale and extend  your  thoracic  spine  and  feel  a  stretch  on  anterior  side  of  chest  . 
-Hold  the  position  for  10 to 20 seconds. 
-Take a rest by keeping  your  your  both  elbow  to each  other  and flex  your  neck. 
-Repeat  this  for  5 to 10 times. 
-You should  perform  the exercises  in every  2 to 3  hours   interval .

-It is also  an very  easy  exercise and can be performed  in anywhere  and  anytime. 
-For this you just have to stand on floor. 
-Keep your both hands  on lower  back or iliac crest.
-Now Inhale and gradually  bend backward. 
-Don't  force  yourself  to extreme  limit  perform  this  upto the limit  of your toleration. 
-Repeat   this  for  5 to 8 times.
-Perform  this  atleast  for  2 to 3 times  in a day.


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