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My self Shivangi choudhary .This is my blog  in which I  am giving informations about various types of exercises , lifestyle modification ,diet and knowledge about various conditions in which physiotherapy can play with an important role.

The site also benificial for medicos because here I am discussing various topics related to body condition.

Blog name:-Physiocare 👉👉👉
Name:- Shivangi choudhary
Facebook page:-Physiocare 👍👍


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comfortable positions for breathless patients

COMFORTABLE  POSITIONS  FOR  BREATHLESS  PATIENTS :- Any patient  suffering  from  breathing  problems  like  those  with  emphysema  ,  lung  fibrosis , or  lung  cancer  etc, May have breathlessness.  There  are  various  position  which  may used for comfort and relaxation . These positions  encourages relaxation  of upper chest and  shoulder  and  allow  movement  of  lower  chest and abdomen.  The various  types of  positions are :- 1) High side lying  2) Relaxed  sitting  3) Relaxed  standing 4) Forward  lean  standing  5)Forward  lean sitting 1) HIGH  SIDE  LYING :- - For this  you  should  Lie  comfortably  on  side lying  position.  -You may use multiple  pillows  for  relaxation  ...

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