The neck pain became a part of our life .it affects all age groups from childhood to elderhood .Now a days the most common cause of neck pain is poor posture and sedentary Lifestyle. Whatever the cause of it but it affects the normal Lifestyle of an individual.
The main cause of neck pain is long term continues sitting in a same posture.continues sitting in a posture alters normal alignment of structures which creates pain.
Now a days children also suffering from neck pain due to prolonged siting for study and during use of mobiles and computers.
Elders also suffering from neck pain due to sedentary Lifestyle and poor food habits with Leck of mobility.
Here I am going to describe some specific exercises which will help you to get correct posture and relief from neck pain.
Before going to describe exercises I am going to describe some important points which may help you to get relief from neck pain earlier.
Before starting any type of exercise you should know the cause of it ,for this you should self assess yourself.
-First of all you should assess your drinking and eating habits .you have to assess how much water you intake in a day.As we know 75% part of total body weight is made up of water .Our intervertebral disk also contains a large amount of water so due to lack of water the disk starts to degenerate and as a result of which neck pain occurs. So it is essential to take atleast 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day .
-The second most important thing is your sitting posture . Are you sitting by keeping your chin protruted or keeping neck excessively in forward position by maKing round shoulder. You. If yes then you should modify the sitting posture.
-Third most important thing is your standing and walking pattern .Are you wearing high heels for long time.Are you wearing cloths which are too tight.You are thinking what is this but it is true uncomfortable outfits may also affects our body's mechanical chain, on later stage which creates pain.
-Fourth most important thing is your sleeping posture . Are you using excessive pillows or pillow with more or less hight.if yes then you should modify the thing with the use of correct pillow which will not alter your mechanical chain .
EXERCISES :-Before performing any type of exercise you should take a hot water fermentation .it will improve blood circulation around the area and will help in reducing joint stiffness and will improve joint mobility it will also help you to relief from pain.
Now a days the main cause of neck pain is poor posture .so, if we concentrate on correction of posture then 85% of our problem will resolve automatically.
-For this sit on stool in comfortable position.
-Now move your neck in all directions like in forward bending , backward bending , side bending , right and left rotation and in complete rotation.
It is most important exercise .it opens spinal joints.It improves the joint range of motion .It also activates the muscles around neck .So if you want to get relief from neck pain then you should perform this .
The main features of this exercise is, it can be performed easily anytime and anywhere .The individualsubacromion who have siting work ,they must be perform this in the interval of two hours.
-For this Lie in a tabletop or quadrepud position .
-Now equally distribute weight on arms and legs.
-Now for camel or cow pose :-Inhale and drop your belly towards mat and lift your chin and chest and try to see the ceiling.
-For cat pose :- Exhale and drow your belly to spine and round your back towards the ceiling . Drow your head towards floor and try to see your knees.
-Repeat 10 to 20 times.
It is important and most beneficial exercise , it is not only for cervical spine but also for whole spinal column. It improves the mobility of spine .it improves the alignment of spine and also helps in reducing pain.
-It is most important pose for the patients suffering from neck and back pain.
-For this Lie on stomach with bothead hands on side of body and slightly apart legs.
-Now slowly lift your arms and chest off from mat.
-Now similarly lift your both legs off from mat.
-Now concentrate on your stomach and assume that whole body weight is concentrated on your stomach.
-Hold the pose for 30 to 40 seconds.
-Return to initial pose and take a rest .
It is most important pose for strengthening of whole spinal muscles.
-Due to poor posture like crossed shoulder syndrome .our neck muscles get elongated and as we know the lengthen structures creates pain ,So strengthening of these muscles can help in relieving from neck pain.
-For this site on stool in comfortable position.
-Now place your hand on forehead , backhead and side of head for alternative muscular strengthening now push your own hand with head and feel the pushing force .
-The force should be in progressive way.
-Due to shortening of chest muscles cause lengthening of posterior muscle.and cause weaknesses of muscles which creates pain .Shortness of pectoralis also create breathing difficulty. So stretching of anterior chest muscles is essential .
-For this you have to sit on chair in comfortable position .
-Now place your both hands behind your head with shoulder Abduction and external rotation with head in neutral position.
-Now Inhale and extend your thoracic spine and feel a stretch on anterior side of chest .
-Hold the position for 10 to 15 second.
-Now Exhale and bring your shoulder in Adduction with head in flexion .
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