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Showing posts from May, 2020


Now a days  heel or foot pain is  most common  cause of painful  Lifestyle.  The  heel  pain occurs  due to no of factors but the most  common cause  of  heel pain  is planter  fascitis. So here  I am describing  all about  planter  facilities.  PLANTER FASCITIS  WHAT IS  PLANTER  FASCIA  :- "The  thick  fibrous   deep  fascia  covering  the  sole  is  called  planter  fascia  . The  main function  of  planter  fascia  is  to  protect  deeper  structures  during  weight  bearing  As   during  walking  , Runing  and  jumping. " PLANTER  FACILITIES :- "Inflammation  of   planter  fascia  due  to  repeated  sustained  stress of  weight bearing  during  walking ...

low back pain

                        L OW  BACK  PAIN The  low back pain is the one of the most common  cause of  painful  life. The  cause of LBP  varies from individual  to individual  like poor posture  ,sedentary  Lifestyle,prenatal and postnatal   muscular  weakness disc  herniation  etc.whatever  the  cause of it but the patient   who suffers from it is only  know  the impact  of  it on his own  personal  , financial  and social  life  style.              Now  a days  physiotherapy  can play  an  important  role  in   assessment   and  management  of  low  back pain.              Before  planning  the  treatment  protocol   physiothera...

spinal tumors

            SPINAL TUMOR  "The vertebral column is  a curved rod,composed  of 33 vertebrae and 23 intervertebral  disc.  The  vertebral  column  is  made up of five  regions  :cervical  ,Thoracid, Lumbar  ,Sacral  and cocygeal regions." -The  primary  and most  important  function of the  spinal column  is to protect  spinal cord and it's maningeal  covering.  -It has two types of curves :-     1 ) Primary curves:-Sacral  and thoracic curves (kyphotic  curves)      2) Secondary  curves  :- Cervical  and  lumbar curves (lordotic  curves. Spinal tumor:- 1) Definition :- "  The  spinal tumors are  neoplasm  or abnormal  mass  of  tissue  within  the  spinal  column  or  spinal  cord ,leads to pain,neurological  sym...

improve your posture quickly by performing the simple exercises

IMPROVE  YOUR  POSTURE QUICKLY  BY PERFORMING  THESE  SIMPLE  EXERCISES :- In  this  era default  or poor  posture  is most common  cause  of  various  types of body  pain .many peoples now  a days suffering  from  neck  pain  ,back pain or radiating  upper limb or lower  limb pain which is due to poor  posture.  There are various  causes which alters  our normal  spinal alignment  and gives us poor posture.Due to  Long term poor  posture  our body continuesly  goes  in evaluation due to Which some muscles  of our  body  get elongated  and  becomes  weak and as we no weaker structures  creates  pain  ,So we have  to  suffer  from  pain . On other hand  some structures  of our body  get shortened  which also produce  pain and diffic...

erb's palcy

                            ERB'S  PARALYSIS    BRACHIAL   PLEXUS :- "  The  brachial   plexus   is  a  network   of   nerves  constituted  by   the  anterior  primary   rami of   spinal nerves  C5,C6 ,C7 ,C8  And  T1 with  contributions  from  the  anterior  primary  rami  of  C4 and  T2 ." ERB'S  PARALYSIS  :- It  is  form  of  obstetric   paralysis. The  region  of  upper   trunk   of  brachial  plexus is  called  erb's  point.   Six  nerves  meet  here .Paralysis or injury   of  this  point  is  called  erb's  paralysis . EPIDEMIOLOGY :- 0.8- 1 Per 1000  birth  in  United  State.  ETIOLOGY :- Undue ...

De quervain Tenosynovitis

                        DE  QUERVAIN  TENOSYNOVITIS    De  quervain  Tenosynovitis  is a painful  condition  affecting  the  tendons  of   thumb (  the  tendon of extensor pollicis  brevis  and  Abductor pollicis  longus and  the  sheath  covering  them ).  These  both tendons  are  continuesly  used  in   gripping   ,  writing  and  pinching  activities.  ETIOLOGY :-   The    exact  cause  of it is   unknown.  It  may  be  due  to repetitive   activities  of thumb  like  excessive  writing  activities.  Now   a  days  the  main  cause  of it  is  excessive  use  of smartphones  and  computer  mouse...

physiotherapy management of spinal tumor

                PHYSIOTHERAPY  MANAGEMENT  OF  SPINAL  TUMOR  "The spinal  tumor  is  an  abnormal  mass  of  tissue  within  the  spinal  column  or  spinal  cord. " PHYSIOTHERAPY TREATMENT :- GOALS :- 1) Patient  and  family  counselling  2)Relieving  symptoms  3)Enhancing  functional  independence  4)Prevent  secondary  complications  5)Improving  quality  of  life  ROLE OF PHYSIOTHERAPIST :- 1) Patient  and  family  education  2)Prevent  secondary  complications  3)Skin care 4)pain management  5)Bracing  6)ROM/flexibility exercises  7)strengthening exercises  8)Functional  mobility  9)Use of Tilt table 10)Bowel  Bladder  management  11)Gait training  The  Rehabilitation ...