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Pathomechanics of elbow joint


  1. TYPES :-
  • Compression  injury
  • Distraction  injury or pulled elbow
  • Pathology  due to change in carrying  angle
  • Tendinitis  or overuse syndrome
  • Arthritissue
  • Cubital  tunnel  syndrome 
  • Osteochondritis
  • Volkman's  ischaemic  contracture

  • COMPRESSION  INJURY:-Due to excessive compression force
  1. Cause:-  * Fall from hight
  1.                   *Forceful  muscle Contraction as during baseball pitching in acceleration and deceleration  phases.
    2  DISTRACTION  INJURY OR PULLED  ELBOW :- Common  in  children occurs  due  to  lifting  of  child via holding  hand cause pulling of head of radius  from annular ligament.
  2. PATHOLOGY  DUE TO CHANGE IN CARRYING  ANGLE The  angle  between long axis of humerus and  forearm  in anatomical position  is called  carrying angle. There are two pathologies related to carrying angle.
1 Cubitus varus:- Due  to decrease in  carrying  angle.
2 Cubitus valgus:- occurs  due to increase in  carrying angle.

Occurs due to repetitive  Contraction of flexors or extensor group of muscles.
It is of two types:- * Medial  epicondylitis  or  golfers  elbow   occurs due to repetitive   Contraction  of flexors.
*Lateral epicondylitis or  Tennis  elbow  occurs  due to  repetitive  Contraction  of  extensors.

Occurs  in students  due to repetitive  irritation  of bursa present  over the subcutaneous  posterior  surface  of  olecranon  process 

CAUSE:-Fracture of head of radius or coronoid  process  of  ulna due to fall.
CAUSE :- Due  to fractur  of supracondylar  area cause  injury to brachial artery.
It  leads to fibrosis of museless of forearm due to ischaemia which is called  as Volkman's  ischaemia.

OSTEOCHONDRITIS :-Inflammatory  Pathology of  bone and cartilage.
CAUSE :-Exact cause is unknown. 
May be due to repetitive  traumactivities. 


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