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Best exercises for shoulder pain


Now  a days  Shoulder  pain  is  also became  a cause  of  painful  Lifestyle  .The  cause  of  shoulder  pain  varies  from  individual  to  individual like  poor posture  ,Immobility  ,Overuse Syndrome  ,Impingement  Syndrome  ,Secondary to accident  ,Degenerative  changes  etc.

                    Whatever   the  cause  of  shoulder  pain but it affects  the  functional  activities  of an  individual  . 

 Shoulder  pain due  to impingement  syndrome  is  most common  in overhead  athletes  like  Ballers etc. 

Pain due  to impingement  syndrome  is also common  in  people  who have  long  term  sitting  work which  develops  poor  posture. 

In elder  patients  Shoulder  pain is  most common  due Frozen  Shoulder  or  Other degenerative  changes  .

Here  I am sharing  some most important  Exercises  which you can  perform  at home  without  any assistance  and  get relief  from  shoulder  pain .

Before starting  any  type  of  exercise  you  should  try to  identify  and  modify  the  cause of  your shoulder  pain  . If your  pain is  due  to poor  posture than you  should  try  to  correct  your  posture  .If your  pain  is  due  to immobilisation  then you  should  try  to  start simple  range  of motion  exercises  etc  . Ifor your pain  is  due  to  overuse  activities  like  athletic  activities  then you should  try to avoid  such activities  for  some  duration

You should  try to  take  a hot  water  fermentation  before  exercises  with  the  help  of  hot packs  or hot water  bottles. 
It will improve  your  blood  circulation  and  will also improves  synovial  fluid  circulation  between articular  surfaces. 

So, The  exercises  are  as  follows:-

1)Range  of motion  exercises :-
-The  range  of  motion  exercises  are  most important  and  easy exercises  for  shoulder pain and  you  can perform  it at anytime  and  anywhere. 

-For this  you   just have  to adapt  a comfortable  position  ,It may be sitting  position  without   back supporte  ,Standing  and   supine  lying  at the edge of table. 

-After  adapting  a comfortable position  you just  have  to  move  your  arms in all directions  like  in  forward  , backward , outward  or inward  directions  or you just perform  a circumduction  movement  in clockwise  and  Anticlockwise  directions. 

Keep in mind  you just  have  to  perform  movements only upto available  or  painfree  ranges. 
You can  perform  the  exercises  with  assistance  of  normal  or  painfree limb.


-It is  also  a  most  important  and  simple  exercise for  shoulder  pain  .
-For  this  you  have  to  stand  with  forward  bending  with  the  help  of  a table. 
-After  taking  position  you just have  to move  freely  your arms in  clockwise  and  Anticlockwise  directions. 


Self  mobilization  exercises  also  plays  an important  role  in  treatment   of shoulder pain  . It also improves  Range  of motion  of shoulder  joint. 

For  inferior  glide :-
-You  just  have  to  sit  comfortably on  a chair. 
-Now  hold  the  edge  of  chair. 
-Now  simply  sift your  trunk  to opposite  side ,by performing  this  your  humerus 's  head  automatically  sifts   inferiorly and  helps  in improving  Abduction  range  of motion. 
For  Posterior  glide :-
-You have  to  take  prone on elbow  position. 
-You should  keep  the  position  atleast  for  10 to 15 seconds.
-Should  Repeat  this  for  3 to 5 times .

For  Anterior  glide :-
-For this  you  have  to  take  supine  lying  position  on   elbow.
-You should  keep the  position  atleast  for  10 to 15 seconds  and repeat  this  for  3 to 5 times.

-It is also a most  important  exercise  for shoulder  pain  and  restricted  range of motion. 
-You can perform  this with  the  help  of  wall.
-For this  you  have  to  stand comfortably  in front of  a wall.
-Now slide  your  palm from bottom  to top and top to bottom. 
-You should  perform  this for improvement of Flexion  and Abduction  range.

                                     get relief from knee pain



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