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Mitral Stenosis Case Study

Case Study:-  Case Background :-  The patient is 58 year old male having past medical history of  Rheumatoid fever ,CAD/RHD, DM and HTN was admitted to SS hospital on 11/09/23 due to Shortness of Breath ,palpitation and chest pain .On the basis clinical evaluation and further Investigations like ECG,Echo,CAG And blood Investigations he was diagnosed that he has severe mitral valve stenosis. so,On 19/09/23 A surgical procedure Mitral valve reolacement was done . Case Introduction :-  Mitral stenosis (MS) is a form of valvular heart disease characterized by the narrowing of the mitral valve orifice. The most common cause of mitral valve stenosis is rheumatic fever, The prevalence of rheumatic disease in developed countries is declining, with an estimated incidence of 1 in 100,000. The prevalence is higher in developing nations than in the United States. Rheumatic mitral stenosis is more common in females. The onset is usually between the third and fourth decades of li...

Physiotherapy quiz, Physiotherapy MCQ, फिजियोथेरेपी क्विज , Exercise Th...

Physiotherapy quiz, Physiotherapy MCQ, फिजियोथेरेपी क्विज , Anatomy qui...


Physiotherapy quiz, Physiotherapy MCQ, फिजियोथेरेपी क्विज Anatomy quiz ...


Physiotherapy quiz , physiotherapy MCQ

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Impingement syndrome

        IMPINGEMENT  SYNDROME  It  is also  called  as supraspinatus Tendinitis or painful  arc  syndrome.                   "Impingement  syndrome  is  a clinical  syndrome  occurs  due  to narrowing  of  the subacromion  space  which  cause  impingement  of  tendons  of rotator  cuff muscles  under the  subacromion  bursa causing  pain and  restriction of movements." -The subacromion  space  is a space between  humeral head and  coracoacromial  arch .Average value  is 10 mm. When  this space  decrease  due  to any cause it  causes  impingement of rotator  cuff  tendons.  The  muscles  of rotator  cuff  includes  supraspinatus  ,Infraspinatus, subscapularis and  Teres ...

Best exercises for shoulder pain

BEST EXERCISES  FOR  SHOULDER  PAIN :- Now  a days  Shoulder  pain  is  also became  a cause  of  painful  Lifestyle  .The  cause  of  shoulder  pain  varies  from  individual  to  individual like  poor posture  ,Immobility  ,Overuse Syndrome  ,Impingement  Syndrome  ,Secondary to accident  ,Degenerative  changes  etc.                     Whatever   the  cause  of  shoulder  pain but it affects  the  functional  activities  of an  individual  .   Shoulder  pain due  to impingement  syndrome  is  most common  in overhead  athletes  like  Ballers etc.  Pain due  to impingement  syndrome  is also common  in  people  who have  lon...

Pathomechanics of elbow joint

              PATHOMECHANICS  OF  ELBOW  JOINT  TYPES :- Compression  injury Distraction  injury or pulled elbow Pathology  due to change in carrying  angle Tendinitis  or overuse syndrome Arthritissue Cubital  tunnel  syndrome  Osteochondritis Volkman's  ischaemic  contracture 1  COMPRESSION  INJURY :-Due to excessive compression force Cause:-  * Fall from hight                   *Forceful  muscle Contraction as during baseball pitching in acceleration and deceleration  phases. 2  DISTRACTION  INJURY OR PULLED  ELBOW :-  Common  in  children occurs  due  to  lifting  of  child via holding  hand cause pulling of head of radius  from annular ligament. PATHOLOGY  DUE TO CHANGE IN CARRYING  ANGLE  The  angle  between long axis of...


          IMPROVE  YOUR  LUNG  CAPACITY  WITH  SIMPLE  EXERCISES  Now  a days  a number  of peoples suffering  from respiratory  problem like  dyspnoea  ,Shortness  of breath  ,Respiratory  dysfunction  etc. Now  a days  the  main  cause  of  respiratory  dysfunction  is poor  posture  which  causes  shortness  of  breath  ,Breathlessness etc.poor  posture  may also  create  neck pain  and back pain   . Now  a days  due  to poor  posture  our   anterior  chest muscle  like Pectoralis ,intercostal muscle  ets  get shortened  and  posterior  chest  muscles  like  trepezius  ,Rhomboids, Serratus  Anterior  get  lengthen  and weak. So ,by performing  some  exerc...

comfortable positions for breathless patients

COMFORTABLE  POSITIONS  FOR  BREATHLESS  PATIENTS :- Any patient  suffering  from  breathing  problems  like  those  with  emphysema  ,  lung  fibrosis , or  lung  cancer  etc, May have breathlessness.  There  are  various  position  which  may used for comfort and relaxation . These positions  encourages relaxation  of upper chest and  shoulder  and  allow  movement  of  lower  chest and abdomen.  The various  types of  positions are :- 1) High side lying  2) Relaxed  sitting  3) Relaxed  standing 4) Forward  lean  standing  5)Forward  lean sitting 1) HIGH  SIDE  LYING :- - For this  you  should  Lie  comfortably  on  side lying  position.  -You may use multiple  pillows  for  relaxation  ...