Case Study:- Case Background :- The patient is 58 year old male having past medical history of Rheumatoid fever ,CAD/RHD, DM and HTN was admitted to SS hospital on 11/09/23 due to Shortness of Breath ,palpitation and chest pain .On the basis clinical evaluation and further Investigations like ECG,Echo,CAG And blood Investigations he was diagnosed that he has severe mitral valve stenosis. so,On 19/09/23 A surgical procedure Mitral valve reolacement was done . Case Introduction :- Mitral stenosis (MS) is a form of valvular heart disease characterized by the narrowing of the mitral valve orifice. The most common cause of mitral valve stenosis is rheumatic fever, The prevalence of rheumatic disease in developed countries is declining, with an estimated incidence of 1 in 100,000. The prevalence is higher in developing nations than in the United States. Rheumatic mitral stenosis is more common in females. The onset is usually between the third and fourth decades of li...